Term is used for people that you get slightest contact with them (even by looking at them) can cause you to develop brain damages.
Be careful around him I think he has the deerux effect.
The term is used to describe a person who loves children or plays Growtopia Private Servers. For example you point someone out to be Deerux, meaning he is a child predator or loves CP. It's similair to EDP445. This is also read off the other term Playingo Effect.
i think he is Deerux
Term is used for people who have severe brain damage and slightest contact with them (even by looking at them) can cause you to develop aids.
Be careful around him he has the deerux effect.
Term is used for people who have severe brain damage and slightest contact with them (even by looking at them) can cause you to develop aids.
He has the Deerux effect be careful around him.