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A moronic or ignorant statement about the First Amendment. Named for Frederick County Council Member Kirby Delauter, who threatened to sue The Frederick News-Post for using his name without authorization.

From now on, saying something moronic about the First Amendment will be forever known as a Delauterism. #KirbyDelauter #Delauterism
-- Coin Graham (@CoinGrahamIV) commenting on the U-T San Diego article "Councilman Kirby Delauter says Maryland newspaper can't use his name so it does, gloriously" (The editorial's title is "Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter, Kirby Delauter". It goes on to mention his name 15 times in the first three paragraphs, 30 times in all.)

by Grinning Cat January 7, 2015

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