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People who go around calling others snowflakes and sheep. They follow every command of certain leaders who lie about being religious and speak in simple short sentences because that is all they can grasp. When one of their leaders does something wrong they are easily tricked into believing it is fake news. (Which is actually the real definition of sheep - blind followers who believe any lie they are being told without any attempt to verify the truth.) They get very irrate and angry when people post opposing political jokes. When they post their political jokes they call everyone who doesn't find them funny, sheep and snowflakes. Not ever seeing for even a second that by their definition, they themselves, would also have to be snowflakes and sheep.

The Dense-Fog people that are all dressed the same, driving the same cars, thinking and acting the same, with the same likes and dislikes are calling everyone who researches actual facts and thinks for themselves -- sheep and snowflakes again.

by YepItsMeBabee March 21, 2021