Source Code


A spontaneous, quick stop at a friend's or acquaintance's place for a sexual encounter

I'm stopping at Kesha's house for a detour before going to work

by DumbassKilla November 7, 2011

28๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A shit town located on the county line of carroll county and frederick county. Consist of 10-15 houses that all look poor and like shit. Alot of whores and pot heads live here.Baically an all American shit town.

A Redneck town located in Detour MD

by WTF U WANT September 14, 2011

31๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


1: An annoyance caused by stupid construction workers (mexicans) deciding that they need to "fix" a road, so they send you on a completely different road that takes a lot longer to get to where you're going.

2: A great alternative path that takes a long time to get to the destination that you should be going to...such as your house, but instead of continuing to drive, you stop at a destination suitable for the situation. Ususally involving the act of camping and most definitely involves rollercoaster.

Me: Mom, I'm home late cuz i had to take a detour, stupid mexicans are tearing up highway 321.

Mom: Stupid mexicans *shakes head in disappointment*.

Me: I told mom earin and i were still at movie gallery when in fact, we were taking a detour up by the intersection near my house.

You: Weren't you there for like, an hour?

Me: Yeah, napkins saved my life....and my Led Zeppelin shirt. That interstection is most definitely corrupted.

You: ....how many "Allowed Characters" do you have?

by Jeremy October 2, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž

Green Detour

1. An unintentional lengthening of one's car ride by taking wrong turns; Primarily due to the driver being high on weed.

2. An intentional lengthening of one's car ride so that the driver and/or passengers may smoke weed. See bake route.

Susan: "John why are you so late?! Transformers 2 started ten minutes ago!"
John: "Sorry, we took a green detour so that we might actually enjoy this movie."

by a9ent smik April 23, 2010

350๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Himalayan Detour

Taking a xanny and edible at the same time

Rob: Yo you heard what Lauren did?
Ethan: No, what happened?
Rob: She went on a Himalayan Detour and said she felt dummy.

by J.A.R.T May 15, 2021

Detour Ahead

A pretty kickass band from Michigan that's just starting to get exposure...... apparently they're going to begin recording a new album soon. It's like a mix between Black Sabbath, AC/DC and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

i saw Detour Ahead at their show on the 4th of July....

by mike fraser July 28, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The chillest place in the entire fucking world. May be small. No not just small its so small you can see one side to another. There is a large Pot presence in Detour everyone smokes. Though some bitches if you keep it on the DL everything is fine. There is also a large diversity in people. No not really just alot of Stoners, even a 79 year old hippie stoner. Little store and theres a plus ONE black person thats like 7 so yeah check it out man.

Ex.1: Dude i was at this place called Detour,Maryland, Hella chill

other dude: where?

Original dude: Detour man theres like 50 people that live there'

Other dude from before: cool ( Wtf he must be stoned )

by Mikey170 May 13, 2011