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Someone trying to spell disappear and failing miserably

Did you really just type dissapear

by fwibblewop October 29, 2019

Dissapearing Purple

A black womans vagina.

Branden: Do you want either gel or dissapearing purple?

Matt: Dissapearing purple? That sounds like a black womans vagina!

by king6 February 2, 2011

4👍 7👎

Dissapearing act

When you have to bail out of an e-mail or text session with a "friend", because of a prior commitment with a spouse or significant other....usually resulting in the other party thinking you bailed on them.

Dude, what's with the dissapearing act??

Sorry man, the boss had me tied up cuttin the yard for ever.....

by Fukstiker January 23, 2012

1👍 2👎