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When fingering is carried out through the girl's underwear. Involves pushing the underwear into the girl's vaginal canal.

To literally get her knickers in a twist

Girl 1: Dominic Dommo'd me last night
Girl 2: Ewww! That sounds rough

by Moose Moose 93 June 4, 2011

5👍 3👎


Stay elevated and motivated.


by Certified Lover FUCR July 16, 2022


Stay elevated and motivated

Dommo my g

by Certified Lover FUCR July 16, 2022

Big Dommo

The unfunniest man you'll ever meet on planet earth.
He loves to bully mother for her credit card, and will steal your jokes.
Plays fortnite and is very gay.

Big Dommo: tells joke.
Everyone: You are not funny dommo.
Big Dommo: *Fucking Cries*

by BenjioWard November 6, 2019

5👍 1👎


Dom - oh
A person considered boring or idiotic is referred to as a dommo. Can also be used to describe something i.e. a plan or idea, as stupid or idiotic.

He is a proper dommo // That is a dommo idea.

by El pappo January 26, 2023