quite possibly the most batshit insane family ever conceived for an animated web series. originating from GLITCH Production's Murder Drones, the family consists of 3 main members:
Uzi Doorman: mentally unstable edgy teenager with a knack for powerful technology. also kinda killed god.
Khan Doorman: Father and namesake of the family, builds amazing doors but is quite possibly one of the worst fathers ever.
Nori Doorman: Mother of Uzi, was presumed dead for years until her core was found by N in the mines beneath Cabin Fever Labs. Tod Khan to build the doors and warned of the Murder Drone's imminent arrival. also, somehow even after being missing for robo-god knows how long, is a slightly better parent than Khan.
Drone 1: Yo, did you see that Doorman kid?
Drone 2: yea, she's lost it.
Drone 1: i mean, doesn't help her dad's a piece of shit.
Drone 2: That Doorman Family is wack.