Any Subaru model with a "WRX" logo on the back. Can usually be seen being driven by some dousche bag aged between 16 to 25 wearing a gold chain, a FUBU or AF tee shirt and an obnoxious hat with a straight brim. The car usually has some kind of horrible exhaust modification that makes it sound similar to the helicopter noises a toddler would make. The loud ass stereo is most definitely more valuable than the car and usually plays some kind of mumble rap even though the driver is quite pigmentally challenged. Most of the time the car can be easily obscured from view due to a massive cloud of vapour enveloping it. This cloud is likely caused by the fake electric cigarette hanging from the drivers mouth, a failed head gasket or both. One should avoid close proximity to these vehicles in traffic due to the drivers complete inability to drive sensibly.
Watch out for that Douschebagaru, the shithead driving it is a complete Muppet.