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Drace is same as baiter in gaming community.

Person you lets his teammates die to get frags. But usually a baiter re-frag , but not a drace he just let you die and dies aswell.

You can find more Spanish , France and Portuguese people use this expression but more and more people and starting using it

Resume : drace is baiter

Baiter get kils after Bait

drace bait and lets teammates die for no reason.

You can find this reference on " Counter Strike series " and " League Of Legends"

Why are you dracing me?
Why did you drace ?
Again ? Dracer!

I can't believe you drace me last round !!

by Officialfreecs April 22, 2021


beautiful eyes, so full of life, talks a lot and cant sit still, very protective of loved ones, very handsome with great hair

drace is the protector of his loved ones

by derkesta December 22, 2016

22👍 4👎


We can call drace a person who bait someone in a game.
Caling someone drace is same calling him baiter

Hey Stop draceing me .
Why im going to enter bombsite first? Stop drace please

by Officialfreecs April 21, 2021


Drace is a person who loves people for who they really are and is sometimes is very annoying but is all ways there for loved ones and also the realist person to talk to and has struggles on letting go and likes people with colored eyes and he likes to talk shit but at the end of the day hes you best friend

Girl:your ugly

Other girl: yeah quit being a drace

by thekidofDRAAXX June 10, 2019

5👍 2👎