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Dread bangs; Bangs comprised of dreadlocks, usually made up of only three to six strands, due to dreads' girthy nature, typically more stick-like and less sultry than most bangs.

Shit, I hope Sara doesn't cut drangs while she's drunk tonight!

by Faith A. April 30, 2008

30๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A drang is a very powerful, very special friendship bond between 2 or more people.

Joe, Willy, Dana, Emma, and Daniel had a very powerful, special bond called a drang.

by Leilani-bear December 5, 2008

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angry child that has red hair in a pony tail

herman lee is dranged

by Hanbone August 25, 2008

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A double contraction for receiving a hand job while driving, combining dr+hange (a phonetic contraction of hand job.)

See also UD term "hange."

Driving home after a romantic date, my drunk girlfriend gave me a drange.

by mcjam69 May 5, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


The narrow rectal canal that terminates at the anus.

-Man, was that a dissapointing shit I just took
-I don't wan't to hear about it.
-Things seemed to be going smoothly, but there was this dramatic pressure loss mid-drang.
-That's fascinating sir, but I just don't see what it has to do with this loan application.

by Bill Sperry February 11, 2006

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A loud oral sound used to disturb.

"I could not focus because a boy was Dranging."

"Could you please stop your drang is distracting me.

by Kugs57 April 28, 2010

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Sturm und Drang

1. 18th century German literary movement that emphasized dramatic individual expression of feelings and the human experience, in opposition to the prevailing popularity of empiricism and rationalism. Literal translation is: "storm and drive," but "storm and stress" is the more common translation.
2. An idiom in literary circles referring to a collective dramatic reaction, usually with opposing sides. "Hue and cry" is an approximately equivalent expression.

All this Sturm und Drang obscures the facts of the matter.

by old?crone July 19, 2021