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Dumb ass Fantastic = Dumastic

When someone is a Dumb-ass in Fantastic form, they have achieved Dumasticism and can now be laughed at about that moment for forever by friends and family for years to come.

On this 100+ degree day (with the heat index added in) no one wanted to cook or clean, yet everyone was hungry....

He went to get us subs for lunch and bought one for his mom too, to take up to her work for her after having had lunch with me.

He comes in with both subs and we start having lunch. I asked him if he forgot his moms' sub or if he had already taken it to her. He replied by saying that he had left it in his car so he wouldn't forget it here.

I asked him what she had him get for her? He told me their tuna salad sub. I asked if his windows were rolled up? He said yes. Then asked why? ...probably because I started laughing at him.

When I could breathe again I pointed out the facts of the situation - He had left a Tuna salad sub in his car with the windows rolled up and it's 100+ degrees outside.....still didn't hit him.

I had to blatantly say - The sun is turning your car into an oven which will bake that tuna sub in it that will make your car smell like tuna for the rest of forever.

It hit him. He OMG'd and ran out to get that sub and open all of his doors to air his car out. If that smell ever leaves his car or not is still yet to be seen. After he did that he has not only earned the title, but proved that extreme-heat conditions cause Dumastic moments of idiocy.

by Buck,, Neeley July 17, 2012