You don’t have to go to college or school in any sort to become a professional emojiologist or Emoji Designer. The salary of this career is up to $200,000 Dollars a Year.
College for emojiology
There are no education requirements to become an emojiologist but You do have to post a certain amount of emojis on the platform instagram to get into the emojiology Industry. You don’t have to sign a contract or Anything to become an emojiologist but for emojiology you do need an instagram, post 500 Emoji Pictures after if you don’t want to delete the emojis just keep them on there after 500 emojis. After you post the emojis your emojiology career starts! And you start getting paid.
Education For Emojiology
•Graphic Design(Designing Emojis)
•Emoji Creator
•Sketching(Sketch Out New Emojis)
•Emoji Science
•Emoji Editor(Edits are very important in the emojiology industry)
Emojiology Starting Careers
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