Generally named Holly, always goes on about living on the gold coast, but will later change her mind to Sydney although she doesn't even know what a didgeridoo is. Likes to introduce herself as Wellingtons finest law student although she doesn't know offer and exepatance.
Loves swimming and want to be a surfer, but only dates law boys large swimmers.
Generally very good looking woman, but don't let her looks confuse you, she is brutal
I think I'm scared to travel alone, but actually it's something else that bothers me.
Yup thats a Typical English girl.
The type of english all white girls write while they are texting. Something a 5 year old learning how to write would write.
White girl english is this: Period. Slayy. Absolutely gorgeous. We should def go out and eat food and like chew with our mouths like animals do ykykykyk. O. M. G. SLAYY
Also known as English-lover, English-loving girl
Loves the language English, very possibly a bookworm and logophile, language enthusiast,
uses long words
Probably has really good English grades
(Can alternatively mean a girl from England)
Some say "every Math boy needs his English girl", do you agree?
That girl who gets straight A+ in English...she's obviously an English girl