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freedom fries

-- rectangular faux-potato sticks, prefererd by idiots who have no idea they've been manipulated by the guvermint to hate all things French, and never knew the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.

Mexico, Canada, Germany, Russia and China didn't support U.S. actions against Iraq - guess we should also have Liberty Tacos, Uncle Sam Bacon, Freedom Kraut, Bush Vodka and Reagan Eggrolls.

I am a zombie who cannot think for myself and cannot distinguish between Chirac and a French citizen, nor tolerate someone whose opinions who differ from mine; please allow me to expand my ass and shorten my lifespan by consuming large quantities of Freedom Fries.

by The Goat Who Got Mad May 17, 2003

643๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

Pretty much all of you are wrong. George W. Bush did NOT come up with this term, and neither did McDonald's. It was created by Rep.Bob Ney, R-Ohio, in a fat-headed Republican attempt to discredit the French. Without them, however, we would not have the Statue of Liberty, and America would be a BRITISH PROVINCE.

Anyone who is complacent about the creation of this ridiculous phrase is a mental midget.

by Mikey G October 6, 2003

1028๐Ÿ‘ 194๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

A term that should remind you of what a loss to the USA having a president such as George W Bush is. A term used by idiots to show they are such.

Idiot 1: "I'm so stupid and ignorant and I can't stand those French bastards"
Idiot 2: "Let's go get us some FREEDOM fries matey, mwhah"

by Brendan October 10, 2003

408๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

Idiots call FRENCH fries this. Although replacing the French part with freedom makes absolutely no sense and makes us all look like a bunch of moron second-graders. Thanks Dubya!

We call them freedom fries now because the French refuse to participate in our unjust war. Well, guess what? I WANT MY FRENCH FRIES! Screw America, France rocks.

by Mmm, FRENCH Fries July 10, 2003

684๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

'Patriotic' Americans showing just how stupid they are, since french fries are not named after the French but refer to how the potatoes are cut up (frenched) and are actually thought to have originated in Belgium.

Franch sucks! Let's rename french fries FREEDOM FRIES! That'll show them dumb Frenchies how superior the USA is to them, even though by doing this we are showing how bad our education system is! Yah!

by Tard July 30, 2003

418๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

A ludicrous connation made by the corporate fascist ass-hole Bush (who got into office by suspicious cough* illegal*cough means) to instill more nationalism and show resentment against the French because they, like MOST of the world, did not support an imperialistic, unjustified war where NO WMDs were found.

Bush: I reckon I'm a-gonna name these here fries *Freedom Fries* cause I sure don't like them French...just cause they don't want to go to war! Damnit, I want this war! I know damn well there ain't no WMDs in Iraq, but hell, I sure like me a game of cowboys and Indians (actually Arabs) and my whole presidency is a warped parody of Walker, Texas ranger...or should I say *dumbass*.

by RandomPerson May 25, 2003

252๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

freedom fries

In France, american cheese is now called idiot cheese

do we really need an example for this?

by can you open my milk mommy February 23, 2005

1818๐Ÿ‘ 535๐Ÿ‘Ž