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A person who would be delightful to have sit on your face as you give them oral pleasure.

"That girl over there is such a facehat."

"I wouldn't mind you being my facehat anyday, girl."

by SCTI February 3, 2008

22👍 3👎


A semi-derogatory term for a person who disapproves of and/or dislikes the website known as facebook. Usually uses the term's fagbook, facegay and fagbooker when describing the website and its users.

Facehaters range from highly intelligent individuals whom disapprove of the zombie-like effects of facebook, to stupid lowlife scene kids who are butthurt about all their potential myspace "friends" abandoning myspace.

Person one: Jeff threw a bitch fit when he saw me on facebook yesturday.
Person two: Well you know its cuz he's been hanging out with those other facehaters.

by Ooganden January 25, 2009

19👍 15👎


An experimental electro math pop band from Gainesville Fl.

"All the chics at the party seemed kinda disinterested until Facehat played"

by Timmothy Murray February 7, 2008

8👍 9👎

Guatemalan Facehat

The delicate art of a women putting both legs behind her head and performing oral inter-coarse

Can you do that thing with your legs behind your head? Guatemalan Facehat I don't think so.

by Sheisse Grenata March 6, 2009

20👍 10👎