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When a sports team starts off with a lead and blows it at the end

Your team sucks. They are always falconing.

by Jaynotpopular December 14, 2020


Falconing is when you lay a girl on her back, get ready to penetrate her vagina, and right as you build up your force, yell "FALCON.... FUCK!" like the character captain falcon from smash bros., then penetrate her vagina at full force for a maximum percentage

"Did you hear about how how Steve was Falconing his girlfriend last night, it was incredible.

by Lucius MΓΆrk vansinne Roos December 24, 2019


The act of blowing a great opportunity in tremendous fashion, like the Atlanta Falcons blew a 25-point second half lead against the New England Patriots in Super Bowl 51. The Falcons have other incidents of tragic missteps in their franchise history, unique to any other pro sports entity.

"That girl you was with looked like she wanted you. What happened?"
"Bruh, I told her that her roommate looked good and she kicked me out of her apartment."
"Oh shit! You were outchea Falconing."

by Father O'Twins February 9, 2017

16πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Falconing is the act of picking a woman up with one hand whilst in the act of snogging her. The term originates from the idea of the bird perched on the arm.

The move was created in Manchester to great affect and has been reproduced in many cities throughout the world.

Did you see that guy falconing that girl at the bar?

by The Original Falcon May 28, 2013

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The act of accidently and completely throwing someone close to you under the bus, at the precise moment that everyone is focused on you

Dad. Falcon, did you hear me calling for you?
Falcon. Yes, but you said we were doing it for the show!

by Rosslyn Maleman October 17, 2009

910πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž


When you see a good looking lass in public, β€˜Falcon’ is used as a codeword between you and your mates to show that you find them attractive or sexy.

F*** me sideways look at that FALCON!

by KB007 December 28, 2019

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Stunning site, a very rare occasion that people are in the presence of a Falcone.

Holy Fuck!, your a Falcone!

by Trevinnnnnboyyyy December 10, 2007

46πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž