Fanfinology is an art form and a science. It is the study of fans and locations of fans in order to ensure a phenomenal Fanfin experience. To become an expert in Fanfinology, an individual must successfully pass classes at an accredited Fanfin Institution. The size, speed, and model of all fans must be accurately determined. It is also important to monitor locations such as stores, buildings, etc. where fans are located. The culture of the establishments with fans must be understood in order to determine if is a safe or hostile environment for Fanfin. The security of the locations is also vital. It is important to understand Fanfinology reports before choosing a location and fan for Fanfin. It is the inalienable right of every person Fanfin to have a safe and enjoyable experience
Guy 1: Yo where you at?
Guy 2: Yo im Fanfin! Check the Fanfinology reports to find where I am
Guy 1: Yo the Fanfinology reports say that the bookstore has the largest fan with the best features. It is also the most secure place to Fanfin.
Guy 2: Yo thats where I am!
Guy 1: Im on my way