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To fart fast, also known as a fast fart.

Wow some jet just broke the sound barrier.....nah, Rachael just Farst

by Blonde86chick March 25, 2011

36👍 32👎


1. The act of talking incessantly about ideas, situations, or circumstances without knowing the information of the subject involved.

2. babbling incoherently in a manor often offensive.

3. Other uses and/or spellings: To FARST, FARSTED, FARST.

1. He was FARSTING about football, though he has never played or watched a game.

2. The drunk in the bar is FARSTING, talking a lot, but saying little to nothing at all.

by Dr. Anthoney Horse April 4, 2010


a homo way of saying fast, coined by some limey and used constantly by some horrible spawn of their's on a constant basis.

21:00 <Elixir> I found myself questioning why people say "Fasst" in america and not "Farst" last night

by guess January 12, 2004

28👍 44👎


fast first

fast farst

by dyplatzx August 30, 2021

1👍 1👎