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feel better

Insincere platitude. The phrase your boss or friends use when they know you're either hungover or faking illness to get out of work/class/etc. Also used by the same individuals when they're pissed off that you really *are* sick and your absence is inconvenient.

"Hey Sharon, I've got a massive case of explosive diarrhea. I probably shouldn't cook burgers today."
"Okay Jake. Feel better."

by jonah7_2020 April 24, 2019

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I feel better

What you say when you are trying to hide the pain so you cover it up by saying you feel better when in reality you donโ€™t.

Emma: I feel better
Jody: you sure
Emmaโ€™s thoughts: I donโ€™t feel better I feel horrible
Emma: ya Iโ€™m okay

by Lowkeyyy. March 4, 2019

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

it feels better raw

when you have sex without protection and it just slips inside and it feels better than with protection

it doesnโ€™t feel good covered, it feels better raw.

by akdheisisnsbdidisnxns November 23, 2017

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a bowl of feel a lot better now

#1. a nice-sized bowl of weed

#2. a reference to the expression "feel better now" and "I feel a lot better now"

#3. may be used to say something makes you feel good, happy, better.

ex #1: "Dude, we're done with finals! Let's go celebrate on my couch with a bowl of feel a whole lot better now."

"Totally, man. First chillum on me."

ex #2: (inside classroom student to teacher)
"I'm sorry my paper's not done, Mrs.T, I just feel so sick."

"No prob Bob, feel better now, ya hear?"

(hallway student to student)
"Mrs.T just gave me a bowl of feel better now and I feel a lot better now."

ex #3:

"I feel like I was getting sick before, but that chicken soup was like eating a bowl of feel a lot better now."


"OMG he's so hot, I was having a shitty day then I saw him and he totally changed my mood. He's such a bowl of feel a lot better now."

by May I. Havaword February 22, 2009

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