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Clean word for "fuck".

Originated by Lance K or Nyte in Orange County California in 1999.

What the feez!?

I don't give a feez!

by Nyte May 31, 2004

64๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term which refers to females. Commonly used in Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas.

Ex1. A yo,look at that fine lil feezy over there.

Ex2.Guy1: Yo man, you and that girl together?
Guy2: Yea Niki, thats my main feez.

by L.A March 26, 2006

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Used for emphasis in the phrase "as feez."

I was mad as feez that he was up in my grill.

by elgatofurioso June 17, 2004

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Another word for nic/vapes

Aye bro pass the Feez

by Bandup._AP September 9, 2022


1. a word to describe that your fuckin cold
2. the pseudonym for freezing (i bet u didnt notice that the "r" is missing in the word feezing)

dude, its fuckin feezing in my house

by Chet and Josh November 3, 2004

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To enhance or make better.

The meal tasted better, after Sarah feezed the recipe.

by Feez squeeze November 5, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


This is a word to describe what happens when you fart and sneeze at the same time.
FVFN 8 years old

I feezed it was very stinky and loud.

by fairy floss December 7, 2019