Source Code


1. finger

First occurrence:

>be in pre-school
>have a girl who I sort of have a crush on
>have nap time every day
>one day during nap time I lay next to her
>neither of us sleep and I fenter her mouth the whole time
>after nap time go to play in a tent at the pre-school
>finger he mouth some more in there.
>do this many times

"I fentered her so hard!"

by HavoK December 13, 2012

32👍 14👎


A word used to describe anything sexual

Boy 1: I'm gonna get a blowy off my girl tonight dude
Boy 2: You mean a fenter?

Boy 1: Yeah bro

by Bryyyyyyyyyyy December 13, 2012

19👍 18👎


Any sexual act; mostly referring to fingering

Allow me to tell you a time of how I was unwillingly fentered.

by Anonmanmanmanman December 13, 2012

12👍 13👎