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Fighting Fuel

A nickname for Stella Artois. Its origins come from British drinking culture. Copious consumption of Stella will make someone more violent than if they were drinking any other brand of lager.

Murphy drank some Fighting Fuel. Now he is barred from every pub in town.

by Snake December 11, 2005

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Wedding Fight Fuel

The exact definition for the act of taking straight shots of single malt scotch. This does not have to be at a wedding, however it will ultimately result in a similar experience for the drinker and any other humans or fixed objects within their vicinity.

José: "Hey Pablo, why did Jimmy get arrested over the weekend?"
Jimmy: "Well he bellyflopped into a wedding cake, was grinding up on the bride and beat up the DJ."
José: "Must have been all that Wedding Fight Fuel he was doing during the ceremony in the morning."

by synergie March 31, 2020