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What a person is called when they think they have an ass, but they clearly don't.

She doesn't have an ass, she is a flatbread.

by llama.com January 13, 2018

13👍 1👎


A fat girl who miraculosly has a flate chest.

Flat- her chest
Bread- her obesity making her feel "soft", like bread.

Man, that bitch you got is a flatbread, she's fat with no titties.

by khades March 22, 2009

42👍 30👎


A word an idiot who can't spell accidentally typed instead of 'Felt that'

"I'm failing school."

by SadHufflepuff January 12, 2021


Whether it makes cents or not, tells how low income you is.

By definition, it's way better than bread crumbs though not much self-rising as it oughta become.

🍞LOAF High Stack💵; real bread
🍕SLICE A short share of your stock; dividend
🥯BAGEL Sex Money; dirty bands
🍔SLIDER - Large; heft; awesome person
🥪SANDWICH - unexpected pressure
🥐CROISSANT - Flakey; bigger bread crumbs; puff pastry; imitation

B: Hey Mac, since you love cheese, had you ever once gotten FlatBread before?

M: As the DaBaby said himself: ♪I tell them broke boy to shut up♪ -- But in mixed feelings, why still resume doing that same old, same old for nothing much than less, Bill?

B: Ah! Right! I get you! So I take it you never pull-up in the lanes of fast-food before, just the standard grocer. All day everyday

M: considering if it's well spent. $$

by FallenGrit June 18, 2021

2👍 2👎

Crusty Flatbread

When a girl got no ass, but you eat it out anyway.

Yo, that lady got some crusty flatbread, I think it's time to snack.

by Sindrom September 30, 2022

Flatbread freestyle

Some porn word I learned on reddit

Tiny Flatbread freestyled my mommy so hard last night bruh.

by Lil soup August 16, 2023



a type of roast that is requested by the roastee as a punishment for something they REALLY shouldn't have done.

Person 1: Hey, bro, can you flatbread me?
Person 2: Sure, why?
Person 1: I want my girlfriend to step on me.
Person 2: Ok, tak... You want your girlfriend to step on you? That's so disgusting, only someone as depraved as you would want something as gross as that.
Person 1: Fucking owie

by a schizophrenic teenager December 17, 2020