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Anything or anyone that is alluring or fetching.

Friend1: Say bro? You see dem new J's that just dropped?
Friend2: Yeah man... Dem hoes are fleekish!!!!

by Jay229 March 9, 2016


Kind of on fleek but you have that part that's just ratchet, so you're fleekish.

Pete: that girl is so pretty
Jeff: yeah but like there's something about her, it makes her just kind of ratchet
Pete: well, she's fleekish 😊

by RATCHETFAMRCDCCSDAM November 25, 2016


Kind of on fleek but you have that part that's just ratchet, so you're fleekish.

Pete: that girl is so pretty
Jeff: yeah but like there's something about her, it makes her just kind of ratchet
Pete: well, she's fleekish 😊

by RATCHETFAMRCDCCSDAM November 25, 2016