The act of being addicted to playing the game Fortnite in order to achieve a 1st places finish
“Hey bro I’ve been playing all day, I think I have fortnite fever”
Someone how has a fever from playing too much Fortnite like the cringey son of a BITCH they are!
"My little brother messed up, he got that Fortnite Fever!"
It's nearly the same as Fabian Fever but with other people like Tobi. The only difference is that Fabian Fever never stops where as this does. Fortnite Fever can also occur in other games
Oh shit Tobi. Do you have Fortnite Fever again? Don't be a Fabian.
To stay home from work or school, to play the wildly popular game of Fortnite. Symptoms may also include not knowing what the period of time known as a fortnight is.
Jim had the Fortnite Fever yesterday, and couldn't go to work.