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Warm, Free Spirit. Risk Taker.

Frankel is Magic

by Free2BeImperfect December 20, 2016

5👍 4👎

Frankel blanket

The moment of post-coital bliss during which your partner completely covers you with his full weight, head to toe. In any other instance, it would be too heavy to bear, but instead, the weight brings a euphoric melding of minds/ bodies, both fully spent, neither able or willing to imagine ever moving from the position again. The Frankel blanket could last ten seconds, or two minutes, until deep breaths return to normal, the moment lifts and is gone. The memory becomes the go-to recall for future fantasies when alone, re-imagined again and again, wished for. Deeply. Desired. There is scientific evidence of the tangible benefits of Frankel blankets, weighted blankets, which promote positive thoughts. Reduce oldness. Ensure happiness. For infinity. For Reals.

My first experience with a Frankel blanket was 3nd and I instantly knew: i’m in. Más. Por favor. Get back to it! And keep eating... cookies. The more weighted the blanket, the better the tangible benefit.

by Weivkao January 3, 2019

fc frankel

the best football club of all time, very rarely ‘in the mud’ - pieface

minor quibble fc frankel is in the mud

by GJSM July 21, 2021

A Moocher's Tale: Alex Frankel

This non-fiction book was written about one of the most devious mooches ever. The book has not yet been written by acclaimed authors, Tyrone Schiff, Jake Billmeyer, and Joe Tucker, but they have begun brainstorming various chapter titles that will be included in this extremely long read.

The chapter titles are all based on real life events that the three authors of the book witnessed themselves. Although humorous at first glance, the tale is in fact a sad one in which Frankel eventually dies a sad and lonely man due to his mooching.

"A Moocher's Tale: Alex Frankel" was just a number 1 best seller on the New York Times best seller list!

Here are some chapters from the book:

Chapter 89: Asking for money after staying quiet in someone else’s room at 2:31am while they are trying to do homework
Chapter 15: Let me just have a taste of that Verners, I’ve never had it before
Chapter 22: I offered my food to someone else, but Frankel still wanted it
Chapter 18: I needed to try one on the other side of my mouth for full affect, even though he supposedly hates it
Chapter 49: A mooch calling another person a mooch, when they aren’t
Chapter 50: A mooch calling another mooch a mooch
Chapter 1: The Legitimate Mooch
Chapter 45: The IM Mooch
Chapter 27: Using Attire as an excuse to Mooch AKA Usage of a Phone
Chapter 75: I Owe You 50 more cents…No I won’t get you a pickle for 75 cents
Chapter 30: I’m just scoping out your stash…wait, I’m gonna have some of it too
Chapter 48: Why didn’t you save any pizza for me?
Chapter 14: The Piggy Mooch
Chapter 72: Lets just order pickles from Jimmy Johns, and can you pay?
Chapter 58: Sneak Attack Mooch
Chapter 33: The Deja Mooch
Chapter 4: The Ask N’ Go (Why eating a pickle when you’re too tired is bad)
Chapter 42: The Urban Dictionary Mooch (See High Voice & Qvickie)
Chapter 9: The Bluff Mooch

by Tyrone Schiff May 31, 2007

13👍 10👎


Frankell is sweet, beautiful, kind, smart and funny. she love chocolate. She have lot of friends.

Frankell is crazy

by Apknfbd December 2, 2018


Frankell is sweet, beautiful, kind, smart and funny. she love chocolate. She have lot of friends.

Frankell is crazy

by Apknfbd December 2, 2018

mia frankel

She is a mothafuckin queen and has beautiful blonde hair

Woah she’s got, her name must be Mia Frankel!

by Mia Frankel Man Woman April 27, 2021