Freakmeister1 (𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺) - Freakmeister1 is a Twitch streamer known for his artistic work (especially paintings) in which the subjects are usually dogs and cats. Starting in 2011, Freak made his very first painting, only to paint very minimally for the next couple years, creating about 10 paintings in the next 7 years. For his 2019 resolution, he jokingly announced that he would paint 101 dogs throughout the course of the year; this joke led to a consistent streaming career and great success. He is also secretly Tom Cruise on Thursdays, but it would be unwise to spill the beans wouldn't it?
Randy: "Hey man, have you heard of Freakmeister1?"
Douglas: "Of course! He painted my dog once!"