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A lieing cheating manipulative man whore that has an ego bigger than his dick he has no heart he's simply heartless and will never be happy because all he does is use people and lead them on into thinking he loves them

That nigga Tyzon is a fuckboii he ain't about shit

by Scarlett Moon November 10, 2015

182👍 24👎


A fuckboii is just a fuckboii born a fuckboii and dies as a fuckboii

Hunter is a fuckboii

by #SquadIsLIfe January 5, 2015

332👍 194👎


a person of the male gender who always wants to have sex

Look at that fuckboii. He is always so horny

by The real FAG April 27, 2015

145👍 80👎


A boy who tricks you into thinking he's a sweetheart so you hookup with him. Then turns on you viciously and becomes a grade A asshole.

Michael Detorre is a fuckboii.

by ljcoolgirl April 15, 2015

498👍 84👎


A person who is trying to get some pussy and dick so that they can feel better about them self

"Hey I like that dude right there"
"NO he is a fuckboii all he wants is some pussy and dick to feel better about themselves"

by Hi I'm Tate I'm dead February 22, 2017

12👍 4👎