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gag me with a spoon

Exclamation that describes displeasure on the part of the speaker due to something being distasteful or otherwise sickening or displeasurable. From valspeak, so somewhat archaic. Usage these days is considered silly.

Oh, gag me with a spoon! Look at the zits all over that nerd's face!

by Dennis October 10, 2003

561👍 115👎

gag me with a spoon

something you would like to do if something is grossing you out severly

"I hate watching dating reality shows---gag me with a spoon!"

by hug6trees August 3, 2009

70👍 81👎

Gag me with a spoon

a phrase used to describe how unpleasant a situation may be

Hey jess, remember when you dated Evans?

Yeah, gag me with a spoon.

by mustachio&jessica May 25, 2009

219👍 63👎

Gag me with a spoon and call me Criss Angel!

An expression you say when you're in disbelief

Person 1: Did you know that dogs can't look up?
Person 2: Well gag me with a spoon and call me Criss Angel! I didn't know that!

by Vftw October 19, 2007

15👍 33👎