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A Goth is someone who sees beauty in the dark side of life. Today's society is focused on negating darkness because it is associated with evil. Think about it - in almost every fairy tale, who is the antagonist? The brunette. Who is the protagonist? The blonde. Dark is evil, evil is bad, and therefore we should wipe all trace of it from our lives.
Unfortunately, that's simply not possible. No matter how hard society tries, people still die. Day turns into night. Love becomes loss. It's a fact of life.
So while everyone else is denying an entire half of life, the Goths embrace ALL of life, good and bad. Goths understand that the best and most lasting joy is tinged with a little sadness, and that all love is bittersweet. Goths understand that not everybody has to be happy 24/7, and that the way to succeed is not by pretending you are. Sunlit skies are beautiful, yes, but so are dark cloudy ones. What is white without black? What is a rose without thorns?
Thus, by embracing the shadows as well as the sun, Goths are, in many cases, actually more emotionally healthy than those in mainstream society.
Plus, we get to wear much cooler clothing and listen to far better music!

Boy #1: Look, a Goth!
Boy #2: How do you know?
Boy #1: She's dressed in dark clothing and has those funky eyeliner swirly things. How weird. Let's go hit on her.
Boy #2: Just remember to mention that you totally dig Marilyn Manson.
Girl: Ugh, what a slut. Why can't she just dress like a real person? (stomps off in a jealous fit)

by Dark Art December 11, 2005

2144👍 390👎


1) A germanic tribe who invaded the late roman empire along with the vandals, visi goths etc and actually became more civilized afterwards.

2) An building style used in medieval times and later in victorian times.

2) A literature style of which Dracula and ther supernateral horrors were written in.

3) A music genre that came about in the 80's as an of shoot of punk.

4) A subculture of people who originally listened to Goth music. Now has increased to fit Industrial and Black/Death metal followers. Goths are typically seen as morbid, wearing black clothes almost all of the time, and wearing make up regardless of sex. Also seen to be more open minded to other cultures, sexualities etc.

5) Prententious people who listen to Nu metal who think they are goths but really teenagers who know nothing of music.

(Goth/Industrial bands: Bauhaust, Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, Nine Inch Nails KMFDM. NON-Goth bands: Korn, Linkin Park, SLipknot.)

by Mike November 15, 2003

4055👍 997👎


’Goth’ is not about Satan worshipping, scaring people or shocking them. It is a lifestyle, an art. It's beauty, showing people who you are. ‘Goths’ tend to have true depth and insight and an opinion worth listening to. There thoughts are darker and they perceive things differently to how other might do. ‘Goths’ have a way of recognizing the beauty of things that seem so morbid and tragic to others, although anyone can see these things ‘normal people’ usually tend not too.

Someone- That person wears black she must be a goth!

'Goth'- Quit with the fucking labels! I AM JUST ME!

by darkpetal August 12, 2005

593👍 141👎


...Are victims of streotypical assumptions
Do not worship Satan
Are not depressed
Are quite happy
Can have friends
Don't always listen to Gothic music
Dress how they want to dress, not always in black
Don't sit around complaining about not having friends, they don't want friends, a real Goth is happy being a social misfit
Often don't want to be referred to as a Goth

POSER GOTHS (Sometimes known as emo)
Will call themselves goth, note they don't use a capital letter to start the word
Pretend to worship Satan, although its rare that they actually believe in Him
Will act depressed all the time, no matter what he/she is really feeling
Will dress in clothes purely from Hot Topic, Planet 13, Starsnstripes and places like that
One Band Wonders, think that they're so Goth coz they listen to a band that is sometimes labelled as Gothic, such as Slipknot, where as in actual fact Slipknot are nu/death metal
Dress only in black, pure attention seekers

Poser Goth: You're such a poser. You think you're so goth, but you don't even listen to Slipknot!
Goth: ....okay..like I would care what you think
Poser Goth: You make me sick! You're not even wearing black! And you call yourself a goth!
Goth: I never called myself a Goth, that was a label invented by people like you, real people don't need labels

by nymphetamine March 19, 2006

842👍 243👎


Someone who likes the darker side of things. They usually listen to death metal and goth music, such as Dismember and Bauhaus. Marilyn Manson is NOT goth. He's just...weird. Real goths are not depressing and suicidal like the posers you see at Hot Topic. Goths are fun to be around and aren't afraid to laugh at themselves every so often. They don't worship Satan and aren't evil despite what some ignorant people might say. Goths don't all dress alike either. They like to create their own unique style. Goths are also very intelligent and creative. A lot of them are writers and artists. Goths DON'T envy the popular people. They are what they are because it makes them happy. Goths would rather stay who they are and be among the so called "freaks" than be like everyone else and be popular. They understand that there are more important things in life than popularity, and usually succeed in life while the popular ones don't become much of anything.

If someone becomes "goth" because they couldn't get any friends or are depressed and angry all the time, they are most likely a poser.

by Me August 4, 2003

20131👍 6438👎


The goth, that thing that lies at the opposite end of the spectrum of society to the chav.
A goth will walk alone where a chav will hide inside his herd and though the goth may take a beating at least that goth was never a coward.
A goth will insult only those who have earnt it whereas a chav will insult people for things as shallow as the clothes they are wearing.
A goths insult will be witty and cutting, a chavs insult more often than not will consist of the chav making a repulsive noise.
A goth will enrich their mind, a chav will watch soaps.
In the morning, a goth will ask themselves “what do I want to wear?” whilst a chav will ask themselves “what in this selection of clothes is the most acceptable thing to wear?”
A goth will have a friend because they are good for someone, a chav will have a friend because that someone is good for them.
A goth approaches new situations with a willingness to think and find the best way forward, a chav will react with aggression to that which it does not already know.
A goth will listen to music that is meaningful to their life and thought provoking, a chav will listen to music which will tell him how to behave.

Goths have no interest in popularity whatsoever. They think outside the box. People aspire to be popular and dress in certain ways that are ‘in’ with everyone else simply because it has never occurred to them how pointless societies values really are. In truth, there was never any point to any one of us being born. We’re doomed to struggle onwards in our skins, attached to life only by mechanisms put in our minds by evolution never to find any relief and never to find any meaning. We’re just all stuck with it now, together (and yuk to the simply stunning amount of ignorance I have to put up with). Conformity assumes that what another has thought of is better than what you can think of on your own but why is one mind better than another? (the conformist who argues that their own opinion is truth is a hipocrite, a really ridiculous laughable hipocrite) Its not is the truth. I am a goth and I aspire to value my own intuitions as much as I would value anyone elses (as much, not more you fools!) therefore I don’t care if you don’t like me because I DO.

I look strikingly different to everybody else, you chavwits think I am attention seeking when in fact I look different because of my total lack of interest in you lot, you lot and that vile sort of dress code that is ‘the norm’. Its not that I want you to notice me, its just that I haven’t bothered to noticed you!

I do as I please! But then again, so say the chavs.
The difference in effect is that I have a brain.
I realise that randomness of behaviour (as in anarchy) is a force of pure destruction without the input of thought. I know what I want for myself, plenty of cash, love, freedom, peace and I know that that’s pretty much what everybody else wants too. Therefore, I treat others as I wish to be treated myself. I would never stand in the way of anothers achievement because if I did how would I deserve to achieve anything of my own? Goths, in my experience (others as well as myself) are thoughtful, intelligent, hard working, kind, honest, well mannered. I have an education and I like when it shows!
As a goth, all you various ‘rude’ forms of life make me sick. Goth is what the individuals do- and as for the idea of the wannabe goth these either revert to conformity or evolve.(I mean slipknot/korn fans, as for manson fans I think those who say he isn’t gothic just don’t know enough about him- sure listening to manson WILL NOT make you gothic, but give that poor dark philisophical soul some credit! He’s certainly not gonna un-goth you!) Wannabes are a transitional category but if they are to be acknowledged at all, they are not goths.
Goths make the greatest friends. Goths have the unusual ideas. Goths just don’t suffer from the same afflictions of ‘normality’ as you self-mirroring lot- change for once. down with mediocrity.

try the question why are we here? it might get you thinking
try focusing on the meaning of things rather than your pre-held assumptions about everything

by Stray April 3, 2005

5961👍 2117👎


Just another person in this world....
Lives, Breathes, Dies.


Random Person1: Yo dude look at the goth chick!
Random Person2: Why?
Random Person1: Eh....

by Someone Anyone. No one.... September 30, 2005

1135👍 450👎