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Someone who is easily confused and gets perplexed and agitated for small issues.

He put the eggs in the microwave! He's a total GANGAL!!

by RipperNash April 11, 2011

11👍 9👎


To be robbed or attacked by a shady character while walking or going somewhere alone.

"Damn man, I was walking to the store the other day and I almost got gangalized by this fool in a hoodie"

by ThatOnePersons December 17, 2019


Your best mate/friend or opposition (opps). Can also be used with the prefix chan

(Pronounced gang gool)

What's up Gangal-chan how it been homie.

by pp10inches May 10, 2023


Probably a way of saying something was either the best fucking thing ever, or the worst shit to ever happen to someone or smth, idk

Luke: That movie was so gangalous
Will: Shut the fuck up, Lukie Pukie

by October 30, 2023