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gay horse

A horse that has prefers to have sexual relations with the same gender of the equine species.

That horse over there is a gay horse

by Anal beads 16342 June 25, 2017

12👍 1👎

gay horse syndrome

when a male, typically gay, sometimes bisexual, often a furry, has a massive dick
however, he secretly wished to be the bottom, but due to his features, he is relegated to top by default

I've deleted grindr, every guy I hooked up with wanted me to top because of the size of my cock, I think I might be suffering from the gay horse syndrome

by KateHanami April 7, 2022

1👍 1👎

gay gurl horse

similar to its antonym, gay horse, it is but rather a female lezbian version horse, whos sexual preferences do not exceed her own gender.

we met at the hay-bar and i tried to get her drunk enough to come home with me. but she turned out to be a gay gurl horse.

by jsgoodwin July 31, 2009

6👍 14👎