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Gay It Up

The process by which a normal situation is made into a more homosexual one.

A bloke who meets his guy mates down the pub to watch football and get rowdy but ends up getting them to talk about feelings and give advice has successfully managed to gay the evening right up.

A girl who meets her girlie mates down the pub to talk about feelings and give advice but ends up getting them to watch football and get rowdy has just managed to gay the evening right the fuck up.

guy- "We're not going to the Red Lion, that's Rory's local. Last time we went in there, he had us giving him advice on jeans, remember? This is gonna be a good night, as long as we don't let anyone gay it up"

girl- "Is Julie coming? I don't want another evening gayed up because she wants to watch fuckin'shit utd play"

by MagickDio May 13, 2010

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To gay it up

V. To dramatize an event or happening or to make things less masculine

Michael: Man I haven't seen you in ages, I think I can't even remember how you look like
Yoeri: Dude, it's only been a week, don't gay it up

Jack: Look at all those paintings in the hall
Joe: Since he hooked up with Michelle things really have changed. He really gayed things up in his crib.
Jack: yaeh, even skipped going to the club with us, shit ain't right, bro's before ho's man!

Jack: he almost is the verb "to gay it up" in person.

by Mr. Htr April 26, 2010

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gay it up

The act of making a topic, person, or place seem homosexual.

Person 1:....So on our trip to Nashville we had to sit 4 guys in the back seat and boy was it crowded!

Person 2: Oooh, I bet YOU liked that!

Person 1: Gay it up!.. go on, what else ya got??

by DaveArrrrr April 22, 2008

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gay thumbs up

When two people who are apart of the LGBTQ+ community put their thumbs together or to their spouse's face to symbolize gay love.

When I got home, my boyfriend did the gay thumbs up to me.

by alyssahm October 17, 2020

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gay up

v. Any action leading to an increase of your gayness.

Maverick : Watch it with that body wax, you don't want to gay up too much !
Goose : Hey, I'm not the one who is watching Top Gun every night !

by borderliners July 7, 2010

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Gaying Up

To gay up something is to stroke it or rub it sexually. Repeatedly Stroking after the term has been said to them might need psychiatric assistance especially with the involvement of animals.

I caught my friend WAS stroking my dog so i told him to stop gaying up my dog.

My friendwalks up to my dog, he then starts to stroke its belly (My dog is a female). He then says technically i am rubbing your bitches tits.

by xNaeQoTiik January 15, 2013

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gayed up

being gayer than one would expect, acting gay, dressing gay.

gay guy- I'm jealous of her highlights, there so blonde and shimmering. group of girls- she got them done at the sweet in belgium. gay guy- sheese i should have known, she could have took me to come.

by T]he ear of jealousy heareth all things. ~The Bible (Apocrypha), Wisdom of Solomon 1:10 January 29, 2005

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