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Is a smart girl and a beautiful girl also she is very sweet sometimes and sheโ€™s cind and love dancing.

Geniya is a smart lovely girl

by m0sthated.brezzy March 28, 2018


A girl who sweet Wild has a creative mindset can do stuff by their self without having a boy and buy her

Geniya is the best person you could ever meet

by Bebeishere April 2, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


a female or woman whoโ€™s black, thatโ€™s introspective, prophetic, philosophical, and soul searching, but also can be analytical, critical and opinionated.

This girl named Geniya was really opinionated, because she was black, and all the white people were racist so she had to be critical and analytical so they know not to mess with her

by Ceresiya April 2, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A special term used when a russian female is mentally incapable of simple tasks the term is also used when the female is self centered and can not handle criticism another use for geniya is to sensor any foul language

oh i was speaking to someone and she was a geniya
i took a fat geniya

by ass cheeks and whip cream November 5, 2019

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Geniya is a generally sexy person, great body and personality and is usually a simp magnet. Geniya is a 1 in a million.

Whoโ€™s that over there, sheโ€™s really hot.
Oh thatโ€™s Milesโ€™s girlfriend geniya.

by seliM ooT yxeS November 22, 2021


Geniya means that they are beautiful in their own way, and they should never be ashamed of their name because their name is beautiful!

"Hi Geniya!! You look nice today!"

by Kix_xd July 31, 2023