GermanLetsPlay is a German YouTuber with about 3M subscribers. His name is Manuel. He doesn't show his face and he always hides it with a mask. He often upload Minecraft-videos with Paluten, Zombey and/or Maudado.
GermanLetsPlay is a German YouTuber.
3👍 1👎
The Best German YouTuber oft the Universe! <3
His pets are Klumpi (a lump) and Puffi (a Pufferfish).
His trademark is his mask.
Do you like GermanLetsPlay? <3
Glp bedeutet nicht GermanLetsPlay! Es bedeutet GermanLetsPlayLiebtPaluten
GermanLetsPlay zeigt sich nicht ohne Maske
Such nach Paluten!!!!!!!
A great german Yter with a beautiful voice. He never showed his face. But he would show his face and quit YouTube 4 ever, if somebody gave him 2 million €
Random Dude1: Heeii! Und willkommen!
Random Dude2: LOL! Hörst dich an wie GermanLetsPlay, du kleiner Fratz
GermanLetsPlay (auch bekannt als GLP) ist ein deutscher Gaming YouTuber. Sein Kanal findet man auf oder
GermanLetsPlay ist gut in Minecraft.
GLP ist cool.