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Get short

To laugh.

"Why are you getting short at me?!"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to get short at you!"

by kthxily May 18, 2009

6👍 16👎

Getting Short

An expression often used in the military that means your contract or tour of duty is almost finished.

"I'm getting short." or "I'm too short for this dangerous mission..."

by Bucho_ky December 9, 2011

9👍 4👎

get a short

To take a drag off of someone elses cigarette

Yo man let me get a short off that nailnail dude

by keith August 9, 2003

1👍 7👎

get some shorts

To recieve BOMB HEAD from a female.

"hey what are you doing tonight?"
"I'm going to get some shorts from this beezy."

by gabe s. January 4, 2006

21👍 10👎

Get Low Shorts

Shorts sold on the 08' Vans Warped Tour By the band All Time Low with the words GET LOW printed on the back.The shorts come in multiple bright colors and arew too often worn by people who do not need to.


ATL Fan 2:At Warped Tour!

ATL Fan 1:I want some Get Low Shorts

by Lyiasha September 19, 2008

14👍 7👎

Get it girl shorts

Shorts that show of the butt.Used to attract the opposite sex,they are very short mostly worn by girls between the ages of 13 and 26.

Jane:Sarah was wearing thse get it girl shorts yesterday.
Jane:Yeah,all the guys were checking her out!

by applesausegirl June 25, 2009

3👍 4👎

get off the short bus

an expression used to tell someone to stop acting like such a retard or to pay attention.

Person 1 (usually from a bible belt state): "Hey man, I think intelligent design is good theory."

Person 2 (not from a bible belt state): "Man get off the short bus."

by mistahtom July 17, 2006

41👍 15👎