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to be excessivly ghetto. By description of, but not limited to, dress, speech, or manner.

If I ever saw korey dressed all pimped and ghettofied, I would not be able to contain my laughter.And his friends would probably pee on themselves.

by maegis June 16, 2004

44๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


to rig something in a haphazard style, with minimum funds to work with; often looking obnouxious to a neutral observer.

Johnny Ghettofied his trash can so the coons couldn't get in

by bug April 12, 2003

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when something is in a ghetto, or is similar in physical appaerence, it may be said to be ghettofied.

God damn, look at this peice of shit, its ghettofied!

by phill October 23, 2003

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to make something look like its from the ghetto

I'm going to ghettofy my new car!

by Anonymous September 13, 2003

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The word the is too ghetto and far to cool for a definition.

Kid 1-"Kiah is so cool and ghettofied!"
Kid 2-"Look at Andrey so ghettofied!"

by Lauren2244 July 29, 2011

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Somebody having ghetto characteristics or apparel.

Look at Rachel, she's wearing those ghettofied shoes!

by Naqq'0034 May 14, 2011

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* When something is made up of materials that are other than the materials meant for such a thing.

To put it a bit clearer;

* Something you made up on your own, out of whatever materials you had laying around somewhere, in replace of the original needed materials for such a project.

* Can also be the act of being resourceful enough to make what you need out of any materials you may have at your disposal.

Jack didn't have a wallet, So he made one out of Duct Tape. That is one Ghettofied wallet!

Sue Didn't have a fly trap, so she made one out of tape and sugar. That's so Ghettofied!

by KUSHNOTBUSH August 12, 2008

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