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Good dude

Originally used to describe a "stand up guy" or mensch, this term can also be used to describe things or states of being that are socially lauded or praised by the majority of society.

Person 1: Did you ever notice that being pro-LGBT rights is a good dude these days?

Person 2: Oh yeah. Being pro-LGBT rights is a VERY good dude.

by Big poppa 62353456 July 3, 2017

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Good Dude

Australian Expression(sarcastic)
Used to describe the Human Trash of Australian urban areas, who gather together and either lounge about attention-seeking on the back of there utes (pick-up trucks), or drive around un-necessarily slow as to gain the attention of other good dudes who are still in their utes.

Regular Person 1: We can't drive to the beach that way man.
Regular Person 2: Why not?
Regular Person 1: All the good Dudes will be out today, it will take forever!

by TheBlackList January 12, 2010

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Wats good wit the dude

The same as saying wats up to someone

Shan: Hey Jay...wats good wit the dude??

Jay: Nothing much man...you??

by Ashant March 7, 2008

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Good Dude

Good Dude is an expression commonly used by โ€œTeam Guysโ€ AKA Navy SEALs in reference to one who looks out for his team, is always on time, and is generally squared away.

Guy: Yo is Smith a good dude or is he f*ckin turd?

Guy 2: Smith is a really good dude, heโ€™s always gettin after it for the boys!

by December 1, 2022

Good Dude University

Where washed up athletes attend higher education

Person A: Jimmy wouldโ€™ve won us the game if he wasn't injured

Person B: You kidding? He threw three interceptions in one quarter last game, heโ€™s on his way to enrollment at Good Dude University.

by bossmanq December 6, 2023