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place. neglected, forlorn former gold-mining town located where Alaska, British Columbia and the Yukon Territory intersect. Since the placer deposits played out in 1899 it is no longer large enough or robust enough to be officially a town. It is, in fact, currently struggling to retain its hamlet status.

Novelty stores selling fool's gold to tourists, several petting zoos featuring wounded native fauna, a convalescent hospital featuring wounded natives, a used book store and a combination first-aid staion and bicycle repair shop can be found in the optimistically-named downtown area. A knick-knack maintenance facility is slated to open out by the abandoned Malaprop Mine in 2013.

Currently gravel production is the major industry with most of the heavy work being done by the local rivers and glaciers. Sorting, bagging and marketing is done through a co-operative association in conjunction with the Canadian Gravel Board.

Although there is currently no highway into the area a variety of cutlines and logging trails provide access and egress for ATV enthusiasts while a landing strip on the river accomodates tourists in bush-planes, who mostly come for the Northern Lights Fiesta and stay for the the abandoned mines where groups of chilly kids are often trapped.

A good variety of sports such as pond hockey, river hockey and lake hockey keep the locals amused. A school is in the planning stages and amateur theatrics are staged at the Generals Store most month-ends.

Never mind Anchorage. This weekend we should visit Gravelgold. We could maybe go to a petting zoo and visit that cantankerous author who lives in the woods near there.

Have you had a Rabies shot?

No, but he has ... so we should be safe.

by gnostic1 August 19, 2011

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