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A young OG (no older than 19) who has a business mind but street knowledge

Dat dude rite dere a Grimlin, he a set OG an he got dat paper

by Yung Grimlin September 3, 2008

19👍 18👎

Grimlin Piss

Slapping the shit out of someone when your high.

Man yells "GRIMLIN PISS" and slaps the shit out of someone.

by virbatim August 8, 2008

6👍 4👎

Grimlin Boy

Someone who takes and eats everyone's food, and then says they didn't do it.

Dude the little Grimlin Boy stole my damn goldfish.

by Tiberius The smart February 5, 2012

1👍 2👎


Do NOT read it as "grim-la-in". Read it as STRUDEL. (Reference to our wonderful "Strudel" definition, GO CHECK IT OUT.) Cacauette for absolutly no reason: "If u don't know it you'r not a REAL fan you little non-real forg."
A grimline is like a goblin but furry.

Person 1: "Why is this goblin furry? It's weird as heck"
Cacauettedu06 for absolutely no reason: "Grimline"

by cacahuete06 May 10, 2023


A short black unholy boi
Many may go by the name of amir

Amir is a grimlin

by Jaydayungin September 13, 2022