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The feelings of regret that a man -- usually gay but also the down-low, the bicurious, or bored frat guys -- after meeting someone using Grindr and finding himself unavoidably locked into a gay sympathy fuck situation or a bad blowjob from someone who has likely misrepresented themselves with a fuzzy picture of a porn star's ass or a closed mouth, when in fact the ass is undesirable and the mouth is full of rotting meth teeth.

Two gay friends looking at Grindr together
Gay friend #1: I know him, him, him, him. That guy is crazy. I know him. I don't know who this one is, but he's sorta hot.
Gay friend #2: Him?! Ugh! Gurl, stay away. I met him and have such Grindrgrets. Don't ask.

by celtcowboy December 28, 2016