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A constantly grumpy Grampa.

You better do the dishes before Grumpa gets home or you'll have to hear his complaints.

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020

14👍 1👎


A constantly grumpy Grampa.

You better do the dishes before Grumpa gets home or you'll have to hear his complaints.

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020

16👍 2👎


A constantly grumpy Grampa.

You better do the dishes before Grumpa gets home or you'll have to hear his complaints.

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020

12👍 1👎


A grumpy grandpa. Grandpa is so grumpy that he's a grumps.

Grandpa is so grumpy that he's a Grumpa!

by Ggmama March 24, 2018

10👍 2👎


A grumpy grandpa who always insists that the world was better when he was a kid, and that we're doomed now because (terroists/running out of coal and oil/people becoming stupid). However, the term is affectionate.

Grumpa said the world in 50 years would be like The Matrix after we took him to see it.

by Downvoting Victim December 26, 2005

33👍 224👎

Grumpa Bailey

To describe one in a state of grumpyness.

Person 1: "Stop being so grumps you Grumpa Bailey"

Person 2: "Don't even get me started. I am not grumpy, ok?!!!! I'm just saying things can be more professional around here. What a gong!"

Person 3: Ok sorry hardcore honger.

Person 2: "Sheeesh"

by FlexIn September 16, 2005

47👍 6👎

wicked grumpa

A term often used by mainers when describing a large bowel movement. The people who use this term usually have a cigarette hanging from their lip and are fisting a bud. Also often used by construction workers and people who exhibit bad etiquette.

If there are any sorority girls present when this expression is used they surely will not understand. If for some strange reason they do, they will be disgusted.

"I gotta take a wicked grumpa so bad i got skid marks in my underpants"

by Kimbo Stacey April 28, 2007

7👍 7👎