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Spanish word meaning dirty bastard

You'll often find this written on dirty cars "GUARRO" or shouted out of the car windows towards bad drivers

by piethief August 29, 2007

26👍 18👎


Mexican slang, derived from guarura.
Means bodyguard or driver/bodyguard.
A guarro is normally armed, drives a bulletproof mercedes/bmw and has a tiny radio device in his ear, always in gray or black suits. If the person is particularly important/rich the guarros (up to five) will have their own black dodge bulletproof car where they will sit and follow the bulletproof mercedes/bmw all day. They stare out the window and make sure no one even gives their employers a nasty look. They usually work for fresas and other rich types in Mexico City and other wealthy areas of this country.

Te voy a hechar a mis guarros.
(I will send my guarros to beat you)

by Parapatonguino August 28, 2009

18👍 41👎