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A sexy girl; well educated; loves to party; very smart in the game; nice personailty

Mike: YO i might this gulla today
Damon: o wrd. me too


Mike: I met a alot of gullas today

by Owwbaby July 3, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


Derived from Fagilla, throughout the years has transformed to "Gulla". The most polite way to call your straight friends gay!

Larry called in sick today, Dave called him a Gulla.

Hey gulla, come over here and give me a sailor smooch.

by King sailor smoocher 6969 ; p May 10, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Nepali word for balls!

Hey girl, feel my gulla!

by Sherpa January 19, 2006

35๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gulla Gulla Island

A peaceful, magical place that one can only travel to through the use of hallucinatory drugs.

So last night, Miles and I split a half ounce of psilocybin mushrooms, and in less than an hour, we were chillin on Gulla Gulla island.

by Jared Smith March 25, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

gulla bull

When a person feigns innocence in hopes of fooling another person into being fleeced or acting like a maroon. Its antonym is gullible.

"That's gulla bull sh*t and I'm not falling for that because I'm no maroon."

by B. Bunny April 10, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


An absolutely beautiful and very good friend and a great family and I love it and I will do the best for you and your dad to join the us with you all as you are free to do this to help us out for your family to be happy with us all this weekend to see if we need anything else to do that we need a new plan to get to you all the best we have for you all the best we have ever been in the past and you are welcome back in our lives we have to do it in a long way and you are welcome back in your life if we can do we can you please give us the best time we will be done we can do it all together and then we can meet up tomorrow and discuss what you think we need for our meeting tomorrow we will have a meeting with us on thanksgiving day we will talk to him tomorrow and let me ping him thanks thanks again thanks appreciate all the info you have for a call anytime anytime thanks

Thatโ€™s Gulla

by Gulla luver smile emoji November 25, 2021

Goinโ€™ Gulla-Gulla

1. Aggressive use of middle-eastern profanity with disregard for others in public

2. using immigration to threaten or intimidate a foreign relative into obedience

3. Unfriendly chatter ; Unintelligible chatter

The cashier at 7-11 was goinโ€™ gulla-gulla on his bitch.

Stay in yo lane bitch or Im boutโ€™ to go gulla

All youโ€™ll hear is a bunch of gulla-gulla before they proceeded to behead the captured soldier on livestream

by Type-Ryda April 26, 2024