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Affectionate nickname for Jimi Hendrix.

I love Henji so much.

by Aqualung March 13, 2005

22👍 13👎


The saddest handjob ever done by two japanese dudes who are brothers but one had to have attempted to kill the other one at some point in there life.

Male 1: Hey bro guess what ?
Male 2;What bro

Male1:i got a henji at the club last night

by the henji December 16, 2016

3👍 5👎


henji is a lesser-known ball-like Frenchie who toots gracefully.
Its natural habitat is in the caves of flat faced dog where he plots against the chicken nugget revolution.

'OMG HENJI JUST TOOTED AND IT STINKS LIKE HELL,' said the unlucky Bethany who had just experienced the powerful toot from a Henji's boot

by December 5, 2022