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Acronym popular on Reddit, which means High Value Male. It's a low key way for women to identify a man as a Sugar Daddy without admitting to being a Sugar Baby.

Sugar Baby: Dave is an HVM, and sprung for the first class tickets for our Paris Vacay.

by Maxwell's Silver Hammer October 26, 2020

127πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž


HVM stands for high value male--used in some online dating communities to describe a man who's attractive, smart, popular, wealthy, powerful, etc etc. Such men are rare and women will fight to get them. Opposite of low value male (LVM).

Six figures and 6 feet tall? He's a HVM

by Lam Sauce June 28, 2023


Slang. How very mature. It’s what you say when someone is being immature.

Hey! Why’d you fart on her? Hvm!

by B-rizzle April 20, 2019

16πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž