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Highly Active Online Involvement.

Referring to the action of openly stalking others on social media, liking and/or commenting on every post they upload.

Can either be done by constantly following every recent thing a person does, or by going through all of their old posts and telling them about it.

People who do this have been referred to as Facebook-rashes or Instagram-fleas.

A: *updates status on Facebook*
B: *likes status 2 seconds later*
A: Stalker...
B: It's not stalking, it's HAOI..!


X: Nice photo you uploaded, back in 2009!

Y: Dude, do you stalk me?
X: No, I HAOI you.

Y: Creep...

by lrx_stra October 10, 2015

8👍 1👎


Hen yaoi, a.k.a. hen sex.

Hi, I'm a chicken and I'm gonna have sex with this other chicken, although chickens don't have sex. That's called Haoi.

by Commander Weenie March 22, 2011

10👍 6👎