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Hard as Tits

Desciribes the hardness or fortitude of an object or person(makes you wonder who's tits they're feeling).

"Goddamnit! These fishsticks are hard as tits!"

by megaman and bass November 14, 2007

88👍 12👎

hard as tits

Describes the strength, fortitude, or solidity of an object.

Goddamn it, these fish sticks are hard as tits.

by Ben doooooood November 19, 2007

40👍 9👎

Hard as tits

When something is so incredibly rock hard that there is no other way to express it.

Harder than a black man's raging boner, something that is "hard as tits" is capable of breaking reinforced concrete, and in some cases diamonds.

DAMMIT, these fish sticks are as HARD AS TITS!!!!!!

by MissMikkyy November 13, 2011

4👍 1👎

these fishsticks are hard as tits

extreme expression of dissaproval; derived from the tourettes guy

one day billy bob gets fired and exclaims:'these fishsticks are hard as tits!!"

by ninjamann13 June 5, 2007

73👍 7👎

try hard tits

when a girl with little tits trys real hard to make it look like somethings there.

she ain't hot she got try hard tits

by my1423 February 22, 2011

30👍 7👎

Hard boiled egg tits

When your wife's tits are looking like hard boiled egg that have say in the sun for to long...

Old lady have hard boiled egg tits

by ANTONIOGOT April 25, 2018