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Hayton loves to spend time on his own. He loves video games. He can be intelligent and moody. He believes in not putting off until tomorrow what he can put of until the day after tomorrow.

When you perfect procrastinating you've pulled a Hayton.

by Clustered December 19, 2016

4👍 2👎


Noun: a baseless opinion stemming from lack of knowledge and research in a field, doubled down on by the one making the claim even despite overwhelming facts against it. Named after BBC journalist Bill Hayton who makes claims such as "there was no word in the Chinese language for 'territory' until the 19th century."

A: Man, I read this book, it claims there was no word for "territory" in the Chinese language until the 19th century.

B: Bruh, that's such a stupid haytonism, damn clown whoever wrote that. The Chinese word for "territory" can be found in sources from the 11th century BC.

by IamHanFei January 15, 2021

Mark Hayton

Member of the Indie Rock band One Night Only which formed in 2003. He is currently in the band playing guitar and does an excellent job at doing so. He was in the band from when it started and still is.

Person 1 - Have you heard of a guy called Mark Hayton?
Person 2 - Yeah he's that hot guitarist from One Night Only right?
Person 1 - Yeah!

by __Noddy__ April 20, 2011

Mark Hayton

The most vibing member of the band One Night Only. He plays guitar and has great hair. He also plays Words With Friends, which he is really good at.

Girl 1:Hey did you see that Mark Hayton from ONO
Girl 2: Yeah he tups!

by aloch April 20, 2011

7👍 4👎