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Scottish slang, mainly used by glaswegians, good, brilliant, cool

Aw mate they jeans are helfy

by Adam and John October 17, 2007

73๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Occurs when an individual attempts to take a picture of themselves (commonly known as a "selfie") to show what a fucked-up, hellish day and/or life they are having.

"Come on down, Dad! Hurry! 'Dancing with the Stars' has just started!"
"Be right down, Princess! I'm taking a helfie!"

"Honey, can you clean up the baby's vomit? I'm doing my nails."
"Sure thing, dear! Right after I shoot a helfie!"

by Gurgling Snurg November 18, 2014

33๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sad and transparent buzzword created by a marketing company that has lost all touch with the society it lives in. The helfie was designed to artifically create a caring image for a party trying to demolish a country's social security in favor of its corporate overlords. Presumably they created this campaign with the sole intent to be mocked, because it's getting harder to pretend to be the underdog when you're the biggest party.

With the helfie they want to warm people up to they idea of: Do it yourself, because the government sure isn't going to bother anymore.

Na de boks met de bokshandschoen, de klets met de vlakke hand #helfie effect is hetzelfde. Afbraakbeleid.

by Plustelix April 21, 2015

135๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


A self-photograph that you end up having a friend take for you. Usually this is because your hands are full or you want to get more of you in the shot but left your selfie-stick at home. What would have been a selfie becomes a helfie.

I want to get a shot of me holding all these cantaloupes, will you take a helfie for me?

by Scrib Death May 20, 2019


Happens when an individual takes an image of themselves and a helicopter is involved in some capacity - in a helicopter, posing next to a helicopter, flying the helicopter... to show how ballin' they are

"Who's taking the chopper out today, daddy had it yesterday?"
"Me darling"
"Oh don't forget to take a Helfie today for the gram"

"Off to the Grand Canyon next week on a helicopter tour"


"Look a helicopter Mo"
"Quick Vix, let's get a Helfie and pretend it's ours"

by Wixy February 25, 2020


Occurs when an individual attempts to take a picture of themself (commonly know as a "selfie") whilst the camera is held at a height that is almost vertically above the individual.

"A selfie with height"

She must've taken a helfie to be able to capture her full body in the picture!

by Didza June 20, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wenn man jemand anders fragen muss, das Foto zu machen, weil beim versuchten Selfie der Arm nicht lang genug ist, um alles ins Bild zu bekommen.

Wir passen nicht alle auf's Foto, bitte doch wen am Nebentisch um ein Helfie.

by janp February 15, 2019